Tippecanoe County Public Library Downtown - Jos N. Holman Branch
627 South Street, Lafayette, IN 47901
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The Downtown Library hosts a collection of over 301,000 materials available for checkout to local residents including; books, movies, nonfiction, materials in Spanish, CD-ROMs, audiobooks, music, magazines, and online resources. We also have approximately 50 Computers for adults and children including stations for: Internet, Express Internet, online resources, word processing, and youth educational games, youth bilingual games/software, TIPCAT online catalog, and Wi-Fi access for those with personal computers.
- Has Meeting Facilities:
- Number of Rooms: 2
- Room 1 Exists:
- Room 1 Description: Alfred J. and Dorothy McAllister Meeting Room A
- Room 2 Description: Alfred J. and Dorothy McAllister Meeting Room B