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Provided in an ebrochure format, the Lafayette Houses of Worship Tour highlights the historic churches throughout downtown Lafayette. Downtown Lafayette remains the heart of our community with its active businesses, inviting public areas, and community festivities. The beautiful turn-of-the-century architecture as illustrated by our 1885 courthouse, businesses, historic neighborhoods, and churches make this a wonderful place to walk and explore. We hope this walking/driving tour of our downtown historic houses of worship will help you discover this interesting aspect of Lafayette’s heritage. These 12 historical churches are featured with photos and a brief history of each; 1.) St. John's Episcopal Church, 600 Ferry Street, Lafayette, IN 47901 2.) First Christian Church, 329 N. 6th Street, Lafayette, IN 47901 3.) Trinity United Methodist Church, 404 N. 6th Street, Lafayette, IN 47901 4.) First Baptist Church, 411 N. 7th Street, Lafayette, IN 47901 5.) Sons of Abraham Synagogue, 661 N. 7th Street, Lafayette, IN 47901 6.) St. James Lutheran Church, 800 Cincinnati Street, Lafayette, IN 47901 7.) Brown Street United Methodist Church, 905 Brown Street, Lafayette, IN 47901 8.) St. Boniface Catholic Church, 318 N. 9th Street, Lafayette, IN 47901 9.) Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, 820 Ferry Street, Lafayette, IN 47901 10.) St. Mary's Cathedral, 1207 Columbia Street, Lafayette, IN 47901 11.) Central Presbyterian Church, 31 N. 7th Street, Lafayette, IN 47901 12.) Unitarian Universalist, 17 S. 7th Street , Lafayette, IN 47901